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Apartment Name: Apartemen Kalibata City
Location: Jln. Makam Pahlawan No. 01, Kalibata – Jakarta Selatan
A/B/C/D/E/F/G/H/J/K (Residence dan Regency)
L/M/N/P/R/S/T/V (Green Palace)
Size: 25 / 32 / 52 m2
Bedroom: Studio / 2 BR / 3 BR
Bathroom: 1
Condition: Full furnished
Facility: ATM center, Apotik, Food Court, Apotik, Klinik, karaoke Family, Farmers Market, Alfamart, Indomart, Sevel, Laundry, dll.
Additional Info: Dekat dengan Stasiun Kereta, RS Budi Asih, akses Tol Pancoran, Kampus Sampoerna, PGC, daerah perkantoran MT Haryono, Gatot Subroto, Kuningan, Kalibata Plaza, dll.
Rental Price:
Residence studio
Weekday = Rp 300.000 per hari
Weekend = Rp 350.000 per hari
Residence 2 BR
Weekday = Rp 350.000 per hari
Weekend = Rp 400.000 per hari
Green Palace studio
Weekday = Rp 350.000 per hari
Weekend = Rp 400.000 per hari
Green palace 2 BR
Weekday = Rp 400.000 per hari
Weekend = Rp 450.000 per hari
Green Palace 3 BR
Weekday = Rp 750.000 per hari
Weekend = Rp 800.000 per hari
CI-CO (di mulai dari 13.00 – 12.00 WIB)
Untuk rent charge mingguan / bulanan dan tahunan, chat personal, TQ. Contact kita via call / WA
Nisa Call / WA 082246252126
Bagus Call / WA 081283024017
Nila Call / WA 081284783929
Instagram @sewaunitkalcit for more picture
WhatsApp: 082246252126
Apartment Name: Kalibata City
Location: Jl. Taman Makam Pahlawan Kalibata No. 1, Jakarta Selatan
Tower/Floor/View: Residence :A/D/G/07/17/18 – Green Palace : M/T/15/18/19
Size: 21 / 36 m2
Bedroom: 1, 2
Bathroom: 1
Condition: Fully Furnished. AC,TV, Kulkas, Kompor, Tabung Gas, Kitchen Set.
24 Jam Security
Akses card per lantai
Mall di bawah apartemen lengkap dengan farmer market, restoran, apotik dll
Playground di taman tiap tower
TV cable
Untuk unit Green Palace ada akses kolam renang, gym, jogging track
Additional Info:
Lokasi apartemen yang sangat strategis
Dekat dengan kampus Stekpi, perkantoran Kuningan
Dekat dengan stasiun Kereta Api
Dekat dengan RS Triadipa
Selling Price: Tersedia juga unit dijual Green Palace Tower Tulip, harga BU (negotiable price)
Rental Price:
Harian Rp 250.000/day
Mingguan Rp 1.500.000
Bulanan start from Rp 2.350.000 – 3.000.000
2 BR:
Harian: Rp 300.000/day
Mingguan: Rp 1.750.000
Bulanan start from Rp 2.750.000 – 3.500.000
Green Palace
Harian Rp 300.000/day
Mingguan Rp 1.750.000
Bulanan start from Rp 3.000.000
Green Palace:
Harian Rp 350.000/day
Mingguan Rp 2.000.000
Bulanan start from Rp 3.500.000
All price is negotiable
HP CS: 081282432143 (Available WA and Call)
WA: 08113309148 (WA only)
WhatsApp: 08113309148
Apartment Name: Kalibata City
Location: Jl,.TMP Kalibata No. 1, Jakarta Selatan
Tower/Floor/View: Mawar
Size: 21m2
Bedroom: Studio / 2
Bathroom: 1
Condition: Fully furnished. Aqua dispenser, kitchen set
Facility: Lokasi strategis, dekat stasiun kereta api, mall, untuk di Green Palace ada kolam renang, fitness center
Additional Info: Call for details. Biaya sewa termasuk IPL, tidak termasuk listrik, gas, air & langganan parkir.
Rental Price:
Rp 4 juta / bulan
Rp 11 juta / 3 bulan
Rp 21 juta / 6 bulan
Rp 40 juta / tahun
Deposit 2 juta
Contact: SMS / WA 0816 1800 527 dan 0895 3491 50 323
Apartment Name: Kalibata City
Location: Jalan Makam Pahlawan No. 01, Jakarta Selatan
Tower/Floor/View: All Tower
Size: 25 m2, 32 m2, 52 m2
Bedroom: Studio, 2 BR, 3 BR
Bathroom: 1
Condition: Full furnished, semi furnished, unfurnished
Facility: Farmers Market, salon, Klinik, Bank, ATM centre, Gold Gym.
Additional Info: Dekat dengan pusat kota, Kalibata Mall, Stasiun Kereta, RS Budi Asih, Kampus Sampoerna, dll.
Rental Price:
Residence studio
Weekday = Rp 300.000/hari
Weekend = Rp 350.000/hari
Weekly = Rp 1.900.000
Residence 2 BR
Weekday = Rp 350.000/hari
Weekend = Rp 400.000/hari
Weekly = Rp 2.200.000
Green Palace studio
Weekday = Rp 350.000/hari
Weekend = Rp 400.000/hari
Weekly = Rp 2.200.000
Green Palace 2 BR
Weekday = Rp 400.000/hari
Weekend = Rp 450.000/hari
Weekly = Rp 2.500.000
Untuk 3 BR. Harian, bulanan dan tahunan, langsung kontak WA aja yah
Nisa Call / WA 082246252126
Bagus Call / WA 081283024017
Nila Call / WA 081284783929
For more pict follow ig: sewaunitkalcit
Jika call tidak diangkat bisa lngsung kontak wa
Jam ci/co: 13.00-12.00
Apartment Name: Green Palace Kalibata City
Location: Jl. TMP Kalibata, Jakarta Selatan
Tower/Floor/View: Rafless / 20 / swimming pool
Size: 21 m2
Bedroom: Studio
Bathroom: 1
Condition: Full furnished, full wallpaper, AC, TV 32″ (Indovision), kulkas, kitchen set, kompor gas, spring bed 120×200, bed cover, lemari pakaian.
Facility: Kolam renang, mall Kalibata, gym/ fitness centre, parkir mobil dan motor, children playground, barbeque area, fountain plaza, tennis court, basketball field, cafe, city forest, education, jogging track, full 24 hour security, food court, ATM centre and bank, Mosque, Health & Medical Clinic, Drug Store, Mini Market (Alfa, Indomaret)
Additional Info: –
Rental Price: Per bulan Rp 2.750.000 (sudah termasuk maintenance/service charge, di luar biaya listrik air sesuai pemakaian aktual penyewa). Deposit Rp 1.500.000. Minimal sewa 3 bulan. Pembayaran bisa bulanan. Jika sewa kurang dari 3 bulan, deposit hangus/tidak dapat dikembalikan.
Contact: 085210763005 (pemilik langsung)
WhatsApp: 085210763005
Apartment Name: Apartemen Kalibata City
Location: Jalan Taman Makam Pahlawan No. 1, Kalibata – Jakarta Selatan
A/B/C/D/E/F/G/H/I/J/K (Residence dan Regency)
L/M/N/P /V/R/S/T (Green Palace)
Size: 25, 32, 52 m2
Bedroom: Studio / 2 BR / 3 BR
Bathroom: 1
Condition: Furnished
Facility: ATM, Apotik, Mall, Food Court, Farmers Market, Diva Karaoke, Cristhoper Salon, Refleksi, dll.
Additional Info: Stasiun Kereta, Kampus Stekpi, Kampus Sampoerna, RS Triadipa, akses Tol Pancoran (perkantoran Sudirman, Gatot Subroto, Kuningan, MT Haryono), Ragunan, Bandara Halim Perdana Kusuma, Mall Kalibata City Square.
Rental Price:
Residence Studio
Weekday = Rp 300.000 per day
Weekend = Rp 350.000 per day
Residence 2 BR
Weekday = Rp 350.000 per day
Weekend =Rp 400.000 per day
Green Palace Studio
Weekday = Rp 350.000 per day
Weekend = Rp 400.000 per day
Green Palace 2 BR
Weekday = Rp 400.000 per day
Weekend = Rp 450.000 per day
Green Palace 3 BR
Weekday = Rp 750.000 per day
Weekend = Rp 800.000 per day
CI/CO Ddimulai dari pukul 13.00 – 12.00 WIB
NB: Untuk sewa bulanan dan tahunan langsung contact WA / Call
Nisa Call / WA 082246252126
Bagus Call / WA 081283024017
Nila Call / WA 081284783929
For more pict follow ig: sewaunitkalcit
WhatsApp: 082246252126
Apartment Name: Apartemen Kalibata City
Location: Jalan Taman Makam Pahlawan No. 1, Kalibata – Jakarta Selatan
A/B/C/D/E/F/G/H/I/J/K (Residence dan Regency)
L/M/N/P /V/R/S/T (Green Palace)
Size: 25, 32, 52 m2
Bedroom: Studio / 2 BR / 3 BR
Bathroom: 1
Condition: Furnished
Facility: ATM, Apotik, Mall, Food Court, Farmers Market, Diva Karaoke, Cristhoper Salon, Refleksi, dll.
Additional Info: Stasiun Kereta, Kampus Stekpi, Kampus Sampoerna, RS Triadipa, akses Tol Pancoran (perkantoran Sudirman, Gatot Subroto, Kuningan, MT Haryono), Ragunan, Bandara Halim Perdana Kusuma, Mall Kalibata City Square.
Rental Price:
Residence Studio
Weekday = Rp 300.000 per day
Weekend = Rp 350.000 per day
Residence 2 BR
Weekday = Rp 350.000 per day
Weekend =Rp 400.000 per day
Green Palace Studio
Weekday = Rp 350.000 per day
Weekend = Rp 400.000 per day
Green Palace 2 BR
Weekday = Rp 400.000 per day
Weekend = Rp 450.000 per day
Green Palace 3 BR
Weekday = Rp 750.000 per day
Weekend = Rp 800.000 per day
CI/CO Ddimulai dari pukul 13.00 – 12.00 WIB
NB: Untuk sewa bulanan dan tahunan langsung contact WA / Call
Nisa 082246252126
Bagus 081283024017
Nila 081284783929
Check IG: SEWAUNITKALCIT (for more pict)
WhatsApp: 082246252126
E-mail: Ichadmk23
Apartment Name: Kalibata City
Location: Jl. TMP Kalibata no.1, Jakarta Selatan, 12750
Tower/Floor/View: G (Gaharu) /2 BR / No. 9CR
Size: 33 m2 m2
Bedroom: 2
Bathroom: 1
Condition: Fully furnished (2 AC, 1queen bed, 1 single bed, wardrobe, refrigerator, 1 sofa switchable bed, stove, TV, Kitchen set, dll)
24 hours security
near the mall
Easy accsess to laundry
Minimarket in the lobby
ATM Centre
Foodcourt, Restaurant,Kids mini playground
Additional Info:
Very near to Kalibata Train Station, STEKPI Campus
15 minutes away from Pancoran and near to business district (Sudirman, Rasuna Said Kuningan, Gatot Subroto, Tebet & MT Haryono)
Easy access to public transportation (train and bus). Blue Bird taxi pool. Ideal for students, married couple and small family.
Positions benefit: Gaharu building is the nearest tower from the street and the only one tower which has direct escalator to the Kalibata City Square. The unit (9-CR) is located at the center between 4 lift that operated in Gaharu building. The unit has a wide view area (food Court, garden view).
Rental Price:
Rp. 4.000.000 / month
Rp. 11.500.000 / 3 months
Rp. 22.000.000 / 6 months
Rp. 43.000.000 / year
Exclude monthly billing
Deposit: Rp. 1.500.000 (refundable)
Contact: 085220020242 (WA only)- Mrs.Syifa
WhatsApp: 085220020242
Apartment Name: Kalibata City
Location: Kalibata, Jakarta Selatan
Tower/Floor/View: Lotus / lantai 10
Size: 23 m2
Bedroom: Studio Besar
Bathroom: 1
Full Furnish
Spring bed Queen size
Sofa 2 seat
Lemari pakaian
AC 1 unit
Meja rias
Meja makan kecil + kursi
Kitchen set
Alat makan & masak
Kompor modena 2 tungku + tabung gas besar
Tv kabel
Rak sepatu
Facility: Farmers Market, salon, Klinik, Bank, ATM centre, Gold Gym.
Additional Info: Lokasi sangat strategis di pusat kota Jaksel, selangkah ke mall Kalibata City, fasilitas kawasan super lengkap, (swimming pool, gym, school), dekat stasiun kereta, tidak jauh dari stasiun pasar Minggu, dilewati rute bus DAMRI ke bandara, pusat kuliner tersedia lengkap.
Rental Price: Rp. 2.800.000 per bulan (diluar IPL 350 ribu dan WE) Deposit : 1 juta
Contact: Yuni 0812-8874-9392
WhatsApp: 081288749392
Apartment Name: Kalibata City
Location: Jl,.TMP Kalibata No.1 Jakarta Delatan
Tower/Floor/View: Sakura
Size: 21 m2
Bedroom: Studio
Bathroom: 1
Condition: Fully furnished. Aqua dispenser, kitchen set
Facility: Lokasi strategis, dekat stasiun kereta api, mall, untuk di Green Palace ada kolam renang, fitness center
Additional Info: Call for details. Biaya sewa termasuk IPL, tidak termasuk listrik, gas, air & langganan parkir.
Selling Price:
Rp 4 juta / bulan
Rp 11 juta / 3 bulan
Rp 21 juta / 6 bulan
Rp 40 juta / tahun
Deposit Rp 2 juta
Contact: SMS / WA 0816 1800 527 dan 0895 3491 50 323
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